I've written a simple bit of BASH for running jobs in parallel. It's not a replacement for GNU Parallel (which has far more features!), but works well enough for simple jobs or butchering into another script.
Set defaults, parse command line arguments and show usage.
ITERATIONS=20 WORKERS=10 USAGE="$0 [--iterations num] [--workers num] COMMAND" while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do case "$1" in (--iterations) ITERATIONS=$2; shift;; (--workers) WORKERS=$2; shift;; (--help) echo $USAGE; exit 0;; (--) shift; break;; (*) break;; esac shift done WORKER_COMMAND=${@-"sleep 2"} MAX_WORKERS_FILE=$(mktemp -t parallel.workers.XXXXX) || exit 1 echo $WORKERS > $MAX_WORKERS_FILE echo "Starting $ITERATIONS iterations of '$WORKER_COMMAND' with $WORKERS parallel workers." echo "Workers can be altered at runtime by editing $MAX_WORKERS_FILE" echo "Press any key to continue..." read -n 1 c
Worker orchestration relies on thejobs
command returning the number of child processes spawned in the background by the parent script.
for ((i=1; i<=$ITERATIONS; i++)); do while (true); do MAX_WORKERS=$(cat $MAX_WORKERS_FILE) WORKERS=$(jobs -r | wc -l) echo -e "\e[91mWorkers: $WORKERS / $MAX_WORKERS\e[39m" [[ $WORKERS -lt $MAX_WORKERS]] && break || sleep 1 done echo "$i: $WORKER_COMMAND" eval "$WORKER_COMMAND &" done
Tidy Up
Remove the dynamic worker configuration file and exit with a nice summary.
unlink $MAX_WORKERS_FILE echo -e "Completed $((i-1)) iterations of '$WORKER_COMMAND'" exit 0
Example usage:
# ./parallel.sh --iterations 100 --workers 20 sleep 1
To test with random intervals, create a script to sleep for between 2 and 10 seconds:
# echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nsleep $((2 + (RANDOM%9)))' > /tmp/testParallel.sh
Then use parallel.sh to invoke it 200 times with 50 workers:
# ./parallel.sh --iterations 200 --workers 50 /tmp/testParallel.sh